Rainy day blues

It’s been raining on and off for almost a week now.

Mum’s happy because her garden is greening up and growing fast. Flowers have even begun to bloom.

Flax flowers

Me, I’m not so impressed. Sure, rainy days mean more couch snuggling but…………..

I still haven’t won the war on being allowed to do my business in the house where civilized folk (and Pugs) should be allowed to go.  So out I go in the long, wet grass (the humans haven’t been able to mow due to rain) and get soaked from my toes right up to my belly. The grass gets me from underneath and then the rain pours down on me from up top. By the time I can come in the house I’m wet and cold and shivering.

Still no indoor potty oasis for me, sadly.

The humans have taken pity on me so far as to make sure I’m bundled, cuddled and warmed up when I come in. They don’t even complain that I smell like a wet dog – much.

All bundled up in warm blankets The Will’s fleecy

About Sabrina's Pug Tails

My name is Sabrina. I am a three year old fawn pug who lives with my three humans and my brother-cat Shinobi. I came to live with my family in February of 2010. I don’t remember much about my life before that. I know that I didn’t have a nice warm bed to sleep in or soft couches to lay on. I was rescued from my previous life by the Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba along with my brother, sister and mom. My human mum tells me that some dogs work at being smart and some work at being cute, and I am very, very cute. I think there may be some kind of insult here………
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5 Responses to Rainy day blues

  1. Two French Bulldogs says:

    we are sending you lots of sun
    Benny & Lily

  2. Wilma says:

    Ugh, you poor thing. I only like grass on my belly when it is dry. I like to walk over it and have it tickle my belly! I always love to see when you call The Will, the Will. I am often referred to as The Wil (one l) around these parts, so I feel a connection with your Wil!

  3. Suzy says:

    It was hotter than Hades here this weekend so I’m sending some of that to you 🙂

  4. winston wilbur says:

    I know what you means about the rain. Today poured and poured. Yah it is great for Mum’s garden but I don’t like to get wets!

  5. Southern Fried Pugs says:

    That is so unfair, Sabrina. You must demand an indoor spot. We have potty pads but would love a potty patch like Payton had.

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